Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cache County Fair 2010

Here are a few pics of the trip we took to the Cache County Fair this year. Only pics I took of the rodeo was the men that took part in the Bull Poker....CRAZY people!

Mess Mother Nature left us

On August 7th around 7 in the morning the wind decided to blow VERY hard. Well it took our tree down with it & took our power out for 3 days with it. Luckily we have very sweet neighbors that borrowed us a generator for a fan & a little light to feed the little ones & for cutting down our tree for us. We owe Bryce & Mike a ton! Thanks guys!!!

Tynlee LaDeane McBride

On July 23rd at 7:50, Tynlee LaDeane McBride arrived in the world. Just is just the most precious thing I've ever seen (besides her big brother when he was born). She was 7 lbs 6 oz when she was born & on her 2 week check up, she was 8 lbs 9 oz, so growing like a weed! Her big brother loves her so much & is so good with her. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts you have gotten us & Tynlee, we appreciate it very much.

Primary Childrens Hospital Visit

The last weekend of June we took Tayeson into the Logan InstaCare due to him saying his stomach hurt. Well they took a stomach x-ray & said he was constipated. Then the next day while at work I got a call from Logan InstaCare stating they seen fluid on his chest in the stomach x-ray & would like for him to come back for chest x-rays. So Josh took off work & took him in. Come to find out he had pnemonia. So they gave us some antibiotics for him. Well 3 days later he wasn't feeling better at all, so we took him into Dr. Brown. Dr Brown did some blood work & more x-rays & told Josh he was sending us to Primary Children's Hospital down in Salt Lake City as Tayeson was worst off than InstaCare was telling us. We got to Primary Children's around 5:30 on July 1st & got admitted (then about 20 minutes later found out that Josh's grandma passed away). They ended up having to put a chest tube in Tayeson on his right side to drain all the fluid he had in his lungs that was making him very sick. After they did that he wasn't eating as much as they wanted him to, so he ended up having to get a feeding tube down his nose so they could get food in him & get his strength back up. Josh, Tayeson & I (I was still pregnant with Tynlee then) want to thank everyone that came to see us in this very stressful week Tayeson was in the hospital. We especially owe my sister Brandie & her husband Brett a HUGE thank you for feeding us most the days we were there & to my parents for feeding us & keeping us company after they got back from their Cali trip. WE LOVE YOU GUYS VERY MUCH!!! THANK YOU!


Ok, sorry I haven't updated our blog in FOREVER! We have had A LOT going on the past couple months, so I will update as much as I can remember happening in the next couple posts. SORRY AGAIN!